Much of my anxiety centered on the Fieldbrook Art and Wine festival that I participated in for the 3rd year in a row. I seriously love being a part of this show but I never feel prepared going into something like this. Added to the feeling of unpreparedness was the weather forecast for 100% chance of rain!
I get up early
Elena gets up early
I go to the winery
Elena checks in at the Plaza
My dad meets me there to set up
Dad goes back home to get ready with mom
Various friends stop by my booth thoroughout the day
Mom and Dad go to the plaza to see Elena at work
Elena, Mom and Dad come to Fieldbrook towards the end of the show
I get a break to eat and go check out the other booths
They all help me take down my booth
We all go to the plaza at the end of the day to walk around and see everyone's work
I take my annual picture of Elena with her work (I think I missed one year)
We all go to Arts Alive! in Old Town Eureka
(Depending on Briana's work schedule, she may or may not be in the mix)
So now that I'm "breathing" it's time to get ready for the holidays. I need to make new jewelry to take to the Shorelines, really actually get something up on my website, maybe start an Etsy shop, teach a class at Scrapper's edge, make a sample for my next class at Scrapper's Edge, update myspace, rearrange my container garden, oh yeah, and go to work, too! (sometimes that really gets in the way)
But I'm ready and rested, as I've spent some time relaxing with my sweetie pie just fresh in from Florida (He spent 5 days away to be in his friends wedding and swears off ever flying again). So we'll see what I can come up with next!
Wow, you've got your hands in a little bit of everything! And that darn work - yes - it always gets in the way. :)
You always have such a pretty table set up! You girls are so talented! How fun, sounds like a good weekend in Humboldt! I'm with Jake...HATE to fly! Although, I would never swear it off, just maybe pop a few pills!
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