(not thrifted, but signify the putting up of ornaments)
As I was putting away my Christmas decorations :( I realized it has been awhile since I posted about thrifty goods. I only have a couple, but after all, it isn't about the quantity, but...well, you know what I mean.

In the midst of the Christmas decorating season, and while I was knee deep in all my unpacked ornaments, I decided to go to the Sunday flea market at Redwood Acres to see what I could find.
I'm all about doing one new thing when I should really be finishing up another! Well, I'm glad I did because I found three packages of these aqua globes with gold tops-they match perfectly with my colors! The cool thing is they are exactly what I was looking for even though I wasn't really looking for anything in particular-I'm convinced that's the best way to work a flea market-or yard sale for that matter. In the future these babies will be very versatile due to the fact that
they are made of plastic-I know, you couldn't even tell, huh?! They'll be able to go outside and hang in a cool little grouping, or hang from a doorknob as a festive kitty toy
(okay, that might be going a little too far, but you get the point). This year I divvied them up between the tree and a festive little display behind my couch.
Oh, and they were only .75/pkg!

(look in the upper left on the tree, there's a light shining from behind)
The other thing I got that day was sitting on the floor, half concealed by the fabric on the table cloth above....

..it was
O be still my aqua beating heart! I didn't even know what it was but I saw all I needed to see to know it needed to come home with me-the worn aqua paint, and a worn wooden handle, oh, the butterflies, I feel them all over again! For $7 it was mine. The cool thing is it's still a functioning water bucket, but I'm not going to use it for that so I don't really know why I think it's so cool that it still functions in it's original capacity, but I do. I think it would be cool to house gardening tools, or as a vase for a big arrangement of sunflowers and hydrangeas.
Fast forward to this past weekend when we had such beautiful weather and yard sales were back again...
...I found this shelf and stuffed diny for 50 cents apiece. You're jealous, I know.

Isn't he so cute?

She thinks so. And her reaction was all that I needed to confirm I made a wise purchase.
(please forgive her cut off forehead-I'm new to making these.)
You are one of a kind! I feel lucky I have such a cool cousin! Love the posts, sorry I haven't posted about them! I love the fact that you are all about the kitties, for some reason I thought you didn't like cats so much.
I love diny! He is super cute! And your finds are cool, too!
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