For father's day this year we took dad to his first Crab's game. It was a beautiful, sunny, and very windy day, but since the stands are below street level, we were sheltered from most of the wind's fury. Briana was unable to make it due to getting off so late from work, and mom decided against going on account of her temporary state of crippledness
(inside joke, I'm really not that politically incorrect), but we had a great time any way. We met up with the Cox family and indulged in all the goodies you automatically feel entitled to when going to a game. The Crab Grass Band played ever so enthusiastically and the people just behind us taunted the visiting team without mercy. The game against the San Jose Seals came down to the wire, but in the end the Humboldt Crabs prevailed!!

After the game we all met back up for dinner at
Larrupin's. Man, I love my family! We had a great time, good dinner, and laughed ourselves silly after indulging in desserts--musta been the sugar rush! To sum up the happiness of the day I must quote Elena who, in response to the waiter asking if he could get us anything else for the night, replied, "No thanks, we're gay!"
Guess you had to be there.
I love your family too! Miss you guys! Are you coming to visit soon? :) Looks like you had a great Fathers Day! I love that restaurant! Elena sounds like she may have had a cocktail or two!
Ha! That's funny.
i've been reading your blog for a little bit but just now connected that you are in humboldt! so am i! nice to meet a fellow crafty person!
No cocktails, just plain Pepsi with ice
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