Thursday, April 24, 2008

Little Anthony

I'm so happy that I got to see my cousin Trisha and the newest little guy in her life, Anthony. Through this wonderful world of blogging I've kept up on his growth from birth to his current ripe old age of two months. I've loved seeing every snapshot and little video snippet, deciding whether he looks more like his mommy or his daddy, but pictures can't come close to the chance to get to hold him (even though he cried and farted on me, stinky little guy). I'm so happy for Trisha and Jason and know they are going to be great parents to this little angel. I'm sure he'll grow big and strong, unlike grannie who thinks he'll be starved first. Here's some pics of grannie holding her 3rd great grandchild!

He seemed to be happiest in his bare skin and his mommy even got him to smile a little bit for me:)

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Wow, you actually got a picture with Grannie where he's not screaming - I don't have any!!!
I can't get the video to play! :(


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