Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bed Drama

A while ago I posted about my new/old bed. Well, once again it sits in the carport, waiting for my dad to come to its rescue.
Backtrack: I was sound asleep one night when I crashed to the floor, thankfully cushioned by my oh so comfy now new-ish mattress. One of the siderails split, tearing free from the hardware that bolted it to the footboard. For about a week, okay maybe two, I slept on the mattress which sat on the boxspring which sat on a piece of plywood which sat on the floor and all of that sat in the middle of the four "walls" of my bed. Eventually I took everything apart, seriously fed up with all of my bed drama!

I love the detail here on the footboard!

Fast Forward: Now I sleep on the mattress which sits on the boxspring which sits on a piece of plywood which sits on the floor and all of that "pinches" the headboard so that it stands upright against the wall and actually looks like it should. Except that I'm on the freaking floor! But don't you like my new sheets?
As much as I really like my bed, I really wouldn't think twice about buying another one to redo or even a new one (I like the one called "Florian") if it were the right price.


Trisha said...

It looks like a really cute bed! But I wouldn't like sleeping on the floor, either. We did that for a while when we first moved to Boise because we forgot a piece of our bedframe in Jason's parents garage! Rusty liked it, though, cause he could jump onto the bed very easily! Anyhoo, get your dad over there asap, or isn't that what boyfriends are supposed to help out with, too? :)

Anonymous said...

I like the new sheets! That would be scary falling to the floor like that! Good luck, I want a new bed too, but thats the key, they are never the "right" price!


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